With great power,comes great ability

Friday, June 29, 2007

Great Life - How To Go From A Life Of Misery To A Life Of Purpose

Living a life where you feel miserable all the time is not how you were meant to live. You are supposed to live a life full of purpose and meaning as well as contributing to humanity in some form or another. You can go from a life of misery to a life of purpose. Here are 3 keys to help you do that.

1. Make the decision to change.

This may seem so obvious but it's amazing how many people I meet that want to change but don't make the formal decision to change. It's time to stop thinking about it and just make the decision that you are going to do it. Once you make this decision you need to also decide that there is no going back.

2. Take relevant action.

Ok, so you've made the decision to change. That's great. Now the most important part of that change is to take the relevant action that will bring that change to pass. You may need to sit down and right down all the things that are needed to change. Once you know what those are you need to go at it will all your might. Here's a hint to help you out. Don't try to change everything all at once. Instead, pick two or three things and work on them first.

3. Keep going until you reach your goal.

Now that you are taking relevant action to change you must continue those actions until you have reached your goals. You may stumble along the way at times which is normal. The key here is to get back up and keep going. Making your life incredible won't always be easy so you need to determine within yourself right now that nothing is going to stop you from reaching the life you want.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Success - 3 Success Principles to Maximize Your Success

I don't know about you but I want to maximize the successes that I have. I don't want to just get along on little success here and there. I am assuming that you feel the same way. The truth is that you can maximize your successes in life. Here are 3 success principles to maximize your success.

1. Don't settle.

This is one of the biggest mistakes that you can make. Just because you have achieved a little bit of success doesn't mean that that is all there is for you. If you just settle for smalls amounts of success you will never reach your full potential in life. If you know that there is more in you than you should never settle.

2. Teach others.

This is a principle that you don't hear a lot but is very powerful. Teaching what you have learned reinforces it in you and even reveals more things to you that you didn't previously know. As soon as you start teaching other people what you have learned in different areas you will see a marked increase in the level of your own successes.

3. Seek out higher mentors.

As you succeed you will need to find additional mentors that you can learn from. You see, as you succeed some of your mentors may not be able to help you as much as before because of your growth. It doesn't mean that they are below you it just means you need additional mentors that have more knowledge then your current mentors. Never stop seeking to learn from people more successful then you.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

7 Steps to Becoming the King - Queen of Your World!


Can you hear those voices from your past in your head? Some may be friendly and kind. But sometimes all you hear is one dominant voice shouting...screaming...and telling lies. "You're too fat. You're ugly. You'll never amount to anything!"

Sound familiar?

This could be a voice from your past that is physically silent. It only lives within your chattering mind.

You try not to believe the lies. But your subconscious, where the voice now lives, controls 90% of your thought process. Unfortunately, when you need confidence, it plays back the lies. It's like thirsting for water and getting vinegar!

Let me tell you my own story

For years I kept hearing a critical voice from my past putting me down. That voice told me that I was a problem. If I could just be "normal" like everyone else, then everyone would be happy! I felt as if I was walking beneath a dark cloud of pouring rain and that everything I did was wrong!"

One day I finally said, "Enough! I won't live with this lie about myself any longer!" I made the decision to face and even challenge the negative voice that had seeped into me.

Did everything suddenly change? No...but that day I did feel something inside me make a positive shift. Somehow, I knew things were going to get better, and they did!

What did I do?

I chose to look at myself in a noble new way. When I'd get up in the morning, I'd pretend I was putting on a crown of Personal Power. I was a queen for myself, preparing to take my daily royal journey...a journey that would help me live that day like the royal person I knew I could be if only I had a little faith in myself.

At first it was an act

I had to pretend that I was indeed a queen despite others' opinions of me. But, day after day, journey after journey, it became less make believe and more real.

I'd like to share the seven steps of my personal journey with you. They helped me to silence the critical voices in my head and opened up my life to the potential I knew was inside me. They can do the same thing for you!

Get ready for the journey of a lifetime

If possible, begin your journey early in the morning when you won't be interrupted. Don't rush along. Spend time on each step, visualizing and feeling what is happening inside you. Pay particular attention to your emotions. They are extremely important in helping create the new you!

Here are the 7 steps of your journey

1. See yourself as a queen or king. Feel the surge of confidence it gives you. Focus on your emotion and let it expand. Yield completely to its power.

2. See yourself taking a journey throughout the kingdom of your life. Meet people. Successfully accomplish projects. Enjoy the power you have. Feel the love you are attracting. Yours is a HAPPY kingdom! Have fun being a part of it!

3. See yourself willing to change directions when the road ahead is blocked or opportunity beckons toward another route. However, always keep in mind that you are a noble person and not easily influenced by others. You make your OWN decisions based on what seems right for you!

4. See yourself stopping along the way to help others. You know that by sharing love you attract love. This makes you a beloved monarch to all those who dwell in your land.

5. See yourself stopping frequently to give thanks for all that you see and have. This feeling of gratitude increases the beauty of your kingdom and gives you a feeling of wealth far beyond mere money.

6. Look ahead on the road and see the NEW you. Something has definitely changed - this is not the you of yesterday. It is a NEW you of TODAY! And, as you come closer to the you in your vision, you sense the new you actually entering and taking over your mind and body. It's a wonderful feeling - you're excited that you have become this new person!

7. See yourself as having reached your destination...at least for today. You are a better you. A happier you. And this day will be a day of accomplishment. You will carry "the new you" feeling throughout your day. You will ACT and BE a person of royalty.

Take the journey EVERY day

Tomorrow you will begin a whole new journey. Forget about any potholes you found in the road today. They are in the past and no longer exist!

Each day that you take this journey, the new person you meet and become will be happier, more productive, and more peaceful. Internal voices of criticism will be harder to hear. The new you will become more of a reality.

Don't be surprised when one day someone says to you, "You look different! I can't put my finger on it but something about you has changed!"

Just smile to yourself and say, "Welcome to my kingdom!"

Copyright 2006 - Michelle Rigg

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Win Lose or Flaw

Competition is a sacred word in America. It drives our economy,

industry, scientific discovery and even our arts. We learn to

compete as children playing pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and continue

all the way to rest home bingo.

Competition requires performance measurement. To be first, means getting

ahead of the person in second and staying there. The constant

pressure to win can improve our situation or impoverish our spirit.

At its best, the competitive spirit drives us to "be all that we can

be." At its worst, it forces us to run over peoples' backs in track

shoes to get to where we think we want to be. It can push people to

cheat, chemically enhance their abilities, and cook their books. It

can forever put an asterisk next to names in the record book.

It's no accident that the language of competition is also the

language of war: Victory vs. Defeat, Offense vs. Defense, and

Winners vs. Losers. The seeming trite saying, "win the battle, but

loose the war," applies. Perhaps by keeping our eye on the larger

victory, we can more easily understand life's little competitions

may be sporting, but not truly important.

Ray Kroc the founder of McDonalds was smart and very competitive. He

once said, "If one of my competitors was drowning, I'd stick a hose

in their mouth." Interestingly, this competitive spirit did bring

fast food franchise success. Kroc's McDonalds failed to turn a

profit. It was his real estate holdings, which he leased to

McDonalds' franchisees that made him rich.

I saw a bumper sticker on the back of the biggest shiniest pick-em-

up truck I've ever seen. It read, "Whoever dies with the most toys

wins." I'd like to think that having toys isn't as important as

having fun. I'd also like to think that the best victories are

those without victims.

As for today...On your mark, get set.

Going, I am

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Autopilot For Your Brain Or - How I Programmed Myself For Success

Thirty years ago I went through a change and I had no idea how important it was going to be in my life. I learned that I could program my brain for success. I learned that IF I got the autopilot in my brain working, I would get what I wanted. All I had to do was program the autopilot.

Let me step back twenty-five years.

I was young (30) and had just finished my first career in journalism and production. I worked with some fabulous people. We worked hard and fast. I finished my last job running a large operation and wanted a change. I was burned out. I still wanted to create, but not daily journalism. I moved to the west coast and started my search.

But I was filled with an anxiousness that ate me up. The 'buzz' of daily news and public affairs was gone. I joined a production firm and began producing… but I was consumed with negative thoughts: Was this the right move? Will I be successful? Is this what I want to do? Will this work take advantage of my talents?

I couldn't relax. I probably sent out all kinds of negative thoughts and, without knowing it, they influenced everything around me.

Then I ran into a man named John Kehoe. He was in the early stages of developing his "Mind Power" business, which 25 years later, is a stunning success. Mind Power was, and is, a straightforward, effective system based on the power of thought and the power of the subconscious mind. John taught me the power of affirmations and visualization and how to program my subconscious with positive, subliminal thoughts that would go in… and start working for me.

I had to get rid of the negative, self-effacing, limited thinking I was trapped in. If you've ever been there, you know it's a hard habit to break.

It didn't take long. It was only a couple of months later that I remember driving to work thinking how relaxed I was. I wasn't worried about today, or tomorrow, or the job. I was pumped. I was being very productive and opportunities were surfacing everywhere. I remember consciously thinking 'this stuff works. I am changing!"

I began to build my career… and continued the affirmations and subliminal cassettes in the car. Relaxing music that programmed my autopilot towards success.

I've had a great career…. and I'm not finished. I've travelled the world producing, met great people and had fabulous experiences. My wife and I have a great home, our health, great friends… and the future to look forward to.

And it ain't a mystery. All I did was learn how to program my subconscious to believe in and go after my goals. I can't imagine my life if I didn't learn this very simple skill.

Spin forward to today. Recently I attracted into my life people with the talent and perfect blend of audio and video that would allow me to produce a tool that might help others re-program their brain's autopilot… their powerful subconscious mind.

First came the visuals: beautiful reef fish shot in clear blue waters around the world.

Then a singer with a range that still stuns me. And not just a 'singer'. Jerry DesVoignes is a Tuvan, or Tibetan, 'throat singer'. That means he can produce two to four different tones in his singing voice at the same time.

Then the two key musicians who watched the video footage and just played their feelings on their instruments as they watched. Magical. Then an audio engineer who cared.

We then produced eight separate audio tracks, seven of them with healthy, subliminal affirmations in areas like: Promoting Health & Healing; Creating Intimacy & Sexuality; Producing Weight loss; Creating Confidence & Self-Esteem; Enhancing Sleep & Dreams; Releasing Stress & Anxiety; Creating Wealth & Prosperity.

We now have a DVD with eight hours of audio and video with healthy affirmations in key areas in my life. Maybe your life too. You can read the affirmations so you know the messages that will go into your subconscious as you watch the DVD. Or download the MP3 audio files to listen to on your MP3 player anywhere you like.

We call it "Blue Water 88" because there are 88 subliminal affirmations, along with eight hours of mesmerizing music and visuals.

I've got my brain working ensuring I always move forward towards success and what makes me happy. One of my goals is to create tools that help people learn and be successful.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Success Quote - Urgent! Are You Focussed on Success or Failure!

"It's not what you are that holds you back. It's what you think you're not."
Denis Waitley

This success quote from Denis Waitley is one of the key reasons why so many people fail to achieve their full potential.

When you think about yourself, your capabilities, your ability to take the next step in your life, your resourcefulness in dealing with the daily challenges of life, what do you think about?

When you look back over times when you've had to take the lead or make decisions do you congratulate yourself on a job well done or do you just see the mistakes you made? Even worse, do you spend hours beating yourself up for those mistakes?

One of the worst things that people do to themselves is to look at a failure to achieve something and translate that into "I am a failure". You can end up repeating this statement over and over again until it becomes your reality.

This is most likely to happen when you are trying to make a major change in your life. Inevitably you are going to have to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new. Once you are outside your comfort zone you are more likely to react negatively to problems… The inevitable result is that you end dragged back into your comfort zone watching your plans for the future vanish over the horizon.

Take a balanced view

You must realise that the truth is everyone makes mistakes – even the smartest leaders and gurus. The difference in people's results is how they deal with mistakes and past events and how they explain their experiences to themselves.

If something did not turn out as you hoped it would, it is vitally important that you must tell yourself that's o.k. You've done nothing wrong, nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, if you've ventured out of your comfort zone you should be proud of yourself for taking that step.

Take a balanced view of the events. There's almost certainly something that you did well. Analyze what happened – what can you learn from the experience? What can you do better next time, what can you avoid doing wrong? If things went very wrong, maybe you should try a different approach.

Finally remind yourself you may have failed this time round, but that doesn't mean you are a failure!

Two tools that can help you focus on success

There are two simple things that you can do to help you shift your focus from failure to success.

First set aside a little time to yourself. Think about all the things you have done recently. Write down a list of all the things that you have done well. Keep going – you should write down at least 100 things. They don't have to be major achievements, they could be simple things that caused someone to express appreciation. Now read through the list – you're better than you imagined aren't you!

Start a success diary. Every time you succeed keep a note of it, write a couple of sentences that outline what you did well. You'll soon build up a record of success and achievement. You'll be able to read through it when you've had a particularly bad time.

Denis Waitley's success quote reminds us that we are so often guilty of spending too much time dwelling on our failures. You need to look at your own life and ask yourself is this a limiting factor for me? If it is you can use some simple tools to help you shift your focus from failure to success.

Do you want to find more success quotes?

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Friday, June 1, 2007

How to Snap Out of That Nasty Slump!

I am a Chicago White Sox fan, and have been all my life, though I left the Windy City many moons ago.
I rejoiced when they won the World Series in 2005, though I wasn't very impressed with Manager Ozzie Guillen.
Now that the Sox are in their second slumping season in a row, I think Guillen's weaknesses are showing.

But today I read something very, very smart that he just told his players.
Before I get to his message, let me review the two main schools of thought when it comes to success and one's work ethic:
(1) "Do less and get more." This was epitomized by Joe Karbo's famous book, "The Lazy Man's Way to Riches." In effect, it says winners win because they work smart.
(2) "Do more and get more." Followers of this philosophy believe in "Early to bed, and early to rise" and "The harder I work, the luckier I get."
I bring up these success paths because both of them can work, which I have always found very puzzling.

For example, some of my consulting clients are great strategists and they definitely work smart while not exhausting themselves.
Others believe they are shirking their responsibilities if they aren't putting in 12-hour days, 6 or more days per week.
But here's Ozzie Guillen's advice, which oddly, seems to bridge the competing belief systems.
After they lost three in a row, he advised his slumping Sox to: "Try less or try harder."
Just "don't do the same thing"!
Call it baseball logic, but it rings true. If you keep doing what you've done you'll keep getting the results you've gotten.

Something has to change.
My dad was a firm believer in relaxing your way to success, in baseball and in his work. "Don't press, ease off a bit," he counseled.
Sometimes that was sage advice. It snapped more than one slump.
But I can also remember storming up to the plate to redeem my forlorn team and ripping the leather off the ball.
Take your pick, or alternate to find your groove.
In the meantime, I'm looking forward to hearing Guillen's next gem!

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