With great power,comes great ability

Friday, May 25, 2007

How to Make a Million Dollars - Step Seven

Previously I have discussed five steps towards making a Million Dollars. These were passion, hard work, perseverance, the ability to cope with failure and still continue and belief in yourself and that you could do it. The next one I would recommend would be focus. Sure this is similar to a few of the others, but not quite.

Many people start off with a vision of that Million Dollars. And they are passionate and hardworking and they will try many new things to get to that goal. There lies the problem. Trying many new things. They bounce around, putting effort and passion into this idea, for about a week, then they put the same effort and passion into another idea the next week. I have seen many people do this. They are doing this even at home, or in relationships, or in starting a new hobby, in fact in many areas of their life.

I suppose it stems from the fact that we live in such an instant gratification society that we are not prepared to work at something for a long period of time. We might spend a year, or maybe just a few months on trying this particular business venture.

But if you look at some of the people who have made it big, they didn't do this overnight. Even Bill Gates spent many years hiking DOS, around the operating system before his Windows System, trying to sell it. The Google boys didn't do it overnight and as for Amazon, they spent years before they posted their first profit. The years before that involved many instances of groveling for more funds to keep the company afloat.

When you decide you want to make a lot of money then you have to stay focused. Decide on what you are passionate about, put some mega hard work into it, stay on track with your perseverance and don't allow set backs to stop you. But over and above all of this, keep your focus on the one thing that you are passionate about and that will ultimately make you your money.

I am sure there are many people who look at their bank account, read some inspiring report on how Madonna made her millions, or Paul Getty drilled for oil, or Richard Branson took a chance on music and many more stories. So they are like kids in a toy store, trying out different get rich quick schemes. They might dabble in property because somebody has written about that. Or they might try their luck on the stock exchange. Or lo and behold, there is the internet where scores of people are making huge money in a few days. Now that's where I should be.

Every time you change focus, you lose some momentum, and often you even lose some of your invested money. Keep your focus. Don't expect to make money overnight. For that buy a lotto ticket. Oh that one didn't work for you either? Neither for me. Get your mind around what you are passionate about and focus on that one thing.

Don't get caught by quick fix solutions. They don't work. Anybody who tells you it worked for them, they are lying. They are making up success stories to impress their audience. You need to know better. There is no such thing. Keep your focus. Remember those Karate Kid movies? My kids loved them. And I loved watching them with the two of them. And focus was the main principle behind those, slightly unlikely - but then its Hollywood isn't it - stories. The principle of the story stood though, Hollywood or not.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Right to be Rich

Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich. Now I know that some of you may not entirely agree with that statement as you may have different values and beliefs around money. If you don't agree with that statement then ask yourself what beliefs you do have around money. If you are happy to live your life in poverty, or to have constant struggles around money then that is fine. No-one is stopping you from living the way you want to or in the style that you want to.

However, there are many of you who would probably like to have a lot more money than you currently do. There is nothing wrong in wanting to live a richer, more fuller and abundant life. It is human nature to expect more from life. All of us have a sense of the survival instinct in us and from the day we were first conceived we have been in a constant state of learning and growing and wanting to advance and develop more.

Unfortunately some of you have probably grown up around people who have convinced you that you don't deserve to be wealthy, or that you are kidding yourself if you think you are going to be rich. There is always someone around who is only too happy to burst your bubble. Often they do this out of a sense of fear. Many people spend their lives trying to avoid fearful situations and like to keep everyone else in the same playing field by trying to control them too. It could be that they fear if you become wealthy then they will lose your friendship or love. Sometimes they are driven by jealousy and fear that if you become rich they will not look very good so they will try to undermine you in order to make themselves look better. And so the list goes on and on.

The minute you decide to step out of your comfort zone and attempt something different there will always be challenges of some sort. These challenges will come to you from all directions and you need to look at them as opportunities that will lead you towards living your life your way and become all that you want to be.

How can you help yourself and others to lead a richer more fuller life if you are not in a position financially to be able to do this. I am sure that we were not put here to spend our lives struggling around money and not able to enjoy the richness and abundance that life has to offer. Wouldn't it be wonderful to know that you were in a position to be able to help other people to live the life of their dreams. To help others with their self development by giving them the skills they need to live their lives in harmony in the major areas of their lives. Why be satisfied with a little when you can contribute so much more towards creating a life of elegance, beauty and richness for yourself and others.

For many years I have enjoyed helping others to develop and grow in all areas of their lives, and I am now in the exciting position of helping them to earn while they are learning as well. The SGR (Science of Getting Rich) Program that has evolved from The Secret has given many people the opportunity to earn a lucrative income while they are helping others to earn and learn also. It is simple and easy to do and is transforming peoples lives all around the world.

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